5 Hour Energy releases caffeinated barbeque sauce

Ummm, what?

If you are ever feeling tired AND hungry for a rack of ribs at the same time...I guess this is for you?

The popular energy shot ‘5 Hour Energy’ have announced the release of their caffeinated, peach-mango flavored barbeque sauce. The release is explained in a statement released on their site, “Trust us — this will be the secret ingredient for staying in the zone. All. Day. Long. With the caffeinated kick you’d expect from 5-hour ENERGY®, it’ll give you all the feelings of energy you need to get through all those post-grill meat sweats.”

The bottles are currently not for sale, but are being given away on their site. The next days for the giveaways are July 2nd, July 9th, and July 16th.