Last Day of School!

Where does the time go?!

Today was my daughter Stella’s last day of 2nd grade. It seems like we were just shopping for back to school supplies. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!

I remember as a kid looking forward to school being out. Spending the summer riding bikes, climbing trees, going to the pool and playing with friends. On your last day, did you wear an old t-shirt that your mom didn’t care about anymore and have all your friends sign with a sharpie? We did that before yearbooks. Did you have shaving cream fights on the playground? There was something magical about all that.

I don’t know if its harder on the parents or the kids when the school year comes to an end. As parents we are blown away by how fast it all goes. Its hard to believe 3rd grade is coming soon.

Congrats to all the parents who made it through another year. Take a bunch of pictures so you don’t forget this feeling. Kids, go play! Have a great summer and a new adventure to remember for the rest of your life.